Don't you think these pictures are pretty? ^___^
No? Er, well, that's nice @_@''
Hahaha! Guess who?
It's me in my PJs~ ^^ So did you say it was pretty?!!?
Just kidding :)
I have some happy news.
Well, maybe shocking to some ;)
Buuuut, I got a smartphone!! It's a phone that I can no longer drop without worrying it will explode :( My Nokia MusicXpress has been a trusty sidekick for the past 3 years, and I still carry it in my backpack as my watch, haha! I should really wean myself away from it =_=''
Anyways, I got an iPhone, which means.. LOTS OF PICTURESSSSS :D:D:D hehe, I need to work on my *point camera at self and shoot* pictures, since I definitely never take those @_@'' I tested the iPhone camera out on baked goods and at restaurants the past month, and they definitely don't look as crisp and clear as DSLR images (like the first two images in this post. Use them to compare!). But it's a phone, so it needs some slack ;) The nice thing is that I'll pretty much always have a camera with me instead of lugging the DSLR around, but it's a hard trade off when I think that I'm losing some prettier pictures :P
So after suffering from baking withdrawals, I made a few things :D (and ate them :D:D:D)
Banana bread-- soooo easy to make, and sooo good :)
Bread pudding :D Used up leftover bread! It's a bit sweet for me~
I'll cut back on the sugar next time ^^''
Gourmet food! Hehe, this is a croissant spinach I had for lunch at school. (Spinach on the side, YES!)
And another day it was Korean noodle soup with chicken :D
I'm so happy WashU spoils us with the food *swoon*! Definitely will miss this when I graduate :'(
And after 3 years of being in Saint Louis, I finally tried Imo's Pizza, which is Saint Louis style pizza. They use their own blend of cheese called "provel" cheese. I'm guessing it's provolone and mozzarella. Everyone tells me that I'd either love it or hate it, but I thought it was good (not in love!). But the leftovers... mannnnn, once you microwave them and they become a soggy, mushy, cheesy mess... now THAT's what I fell in love with. Haha! Can totally imagine myself going to buy fresh pizza and just sticking it in the fridge right away so I can eat it the next day :P
Yay! Happy I finally tried Imo's. The taste is pretty strong, so I can see how people wouldn't like it. But if you're on the other side of the group, this would be a nice place to eat junk food. Also, I haven't actually eaten inside a pizza establishment before (other than Cici's like 923849238 years ago), so that was pretty interesting :D
Imo's pizza! 16 inch pizza with 4 toppings, cut into convenient squares~
My extremely happy and excited eating partner! Haha~
That's Imo's house salad. It's pretty much a tossup of lettuce, a few carrots and red onion slivers, topped off with a generous handful of their cheese. The garlic dressing is really yummy :D
I think I either did something stupid or said something funny here.
Or maybe Daniel was just choking and I decided to take a picture instead of attempting to save him ;D
Imo's Pizza
23 N Bemiston Ave
Clayton, MO 63105
There was an intramural swimming meet, where my friends and I formed the MikiNuggets team (best name ever, no? :P)! All of us were out of shape, but it was a lot of fun. Since this wasn't a legit competition and there weren't many people, we were all swimming races after just finishing the previous one! Our legs!! :P
Debra and Daniel came to watch us :) Hehe, it was like our Mommy cheering for us! Thanks for coming and I hope you were entertained ^_^ *heart*
Team MikiNuggets!! (taken by Debra using Brian's phone!)
Featuring: Shannon, Grace, Brian, Justin, Michael, and Ian up top,
Leighton, Sebastian, me, and Jeniffer on the bottom :)
Too bad I'm graduating; I'd love to do this again next year! But at least I get to swim with Sebastian every week :D
And finally, the BEST phone picture ever:
HAHA, just kidding. This is by Dave Engel Photography! I had a lot of fun attempting to pose in front of the camera, and the picture came out great! It looks like summer weather is right around the corner! (but in reality, I was chattering the whole time.. my lips are purple, hehe~) This was my favorite picture out of the photoshoot, since felt less retarded doing it, haha~ Modeling is fun!~ ^^
IN CONCLUSION, (oh gosh, the lab report writing is getting to me @_@) iPhone pictures cannot compare to awesome quality DSLR cameras. HOWEVER, I still like iPhone cameras because they're so convenient, and the quality isn't bad at all :P
AS AN ASIDE, I am sick! Running around the pool without drying off and being cold definitely got to me :( I have that feeling where all I want to do is hide in my bed covers and play Pokemon Gold on Gameboy all day, and I don't even have a Gameboy at college! Hope all this getting sick silly business will go away soon. Spring break's right around the corner, and we definitely have some plans!!