Summer plans... initiated!

I cannot believe the end of school is arriving O_O  What, I'm graduating?

Before all the nostalgia sweeps me away, the warmer weather reminds me that my friends and I are going on a summer trip!  ... TO ASIA.  MWAHAHAHA, I'm so excited!

Plans are still to be finalized (and *of course* I will post pictures of our adventures)!  :D  I want to trade in my Cannon DSLR for a lighter camera for travelling... Any suggestions on types of cameras?  ^^  Something that made me super happy this morning was a picture I found on tumblr:

Steamed PANDA buns!  They're so cute @__@  And look delicious as well ^^

I'm pumped!  Our crew has a lot of fun personalities too, so this will be another trip to remember :)
